I can't believe that it was just a year ago when I was writing a post about
Ethan's first day of school and now I'm back to write about Noah's first day!!
I am running a bit behind on this post, as the boys have been in school for a month already now. I know some kiddos were just starting today though, so I guess it's not too late to share our pics! Haha! After much internal debate about whether or not to send Noah this year, at just 2 years old, I finally decided that it would probably be good for both of us. It would give me a couple mornings a week with just the new baby
(due to arrive in another week, or sooner!), and it would give him a chance to play with other little kids his age. He normally just plays with Ethan, which I think has played a part in him growing up way too quickly already!! :'( Here they are on "transition day," getting acquainted with their classrooms and teachers.
And, of course, the obligatory first day of school pics... :)
Ethan and Noah are attending the same church preschool, which is the same one Ethan went to last year. He had a great year and really enjoyed his teachers, Ms. Susan and Ms. Ruth, and all of his classmates. This year, he is going every day, and is enrolled in Ms. Christy's 4-year-old kindergarten readiness class. I'm hoping that he will have another great year, and that it will prepare him for full-day kindergarten next year!
Wow! He has Ms. Ruth helping with his class again this year, so I knew that would be great for him since he really liked her! :) The schedule is perfect, as it runs from 9 am to 1:30 pm, for a 4.5-hour day. Mornings aren't super rushed because of the later start
(next year, Ethan will need to be at school by 8:30), they eat lunch at school, then when we get home it's time for naps! I love that it leaves enough time for me to actually get things done and come back to the house without feeling like I am just picking them up after dropping them off!
Ethan's first day! |
Noah is enrolled in the 2-year-old toddler class, for just two days a week, with Ms. Susan and Ms. Rachel. So far, he seems to really like it! He has had a few tears when getting out of his seat in the morning and walking in with the helpers, but by the time he gets to the door he is fine. I actually kind of wondered how it would go on the days when just Ethan gets out to go
(as Noah currently wants to do everything
that big brother does), but so far, Noah hasn't gotten upset that he has to stay with me. :) He does, however, want to take his backpack or lunchbox with him everyday, too.
So sweet.
Noah's first day! When did he get so big?!? |
Getting pics was interesting this year...
Little bookends! |
Funny little guys! |
Yes, Noah is Ethan's little shadow! Haha! |
Can you tell he loves his big brother?? :) |
Getting big too quickly! |
Here is Noah's very first piece of artwork that he made at preschool. :)
Great sticker placement!! ;) |
We hope that the boys have a great year at preschool, learning lots of new things and enjoying time with their classmates!
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