Age of Baby: 7 months
Size of Baby:
- Weight: 18 lbs 0 oz (down to the 44th percentile), + 2 oz from last month
- Length: 27.5 inches (down to the 62nd percentile), + 0.5 inch from last month
- Head circumference: not measured
Levi is still wearing a size 3 diaper. He has mostly been wearing 6-9 month clothes, but can still squeeze into a few 3-6 month favorites!
Doctor's Visit Summary:
None this month.
Picture of Baby:
Here is Levi's 7-month picture in the 12-month onesie. You can't see those blue eyes below, but you sure can in the picture above. And check out that hair! He looks like an old man going bald with his sweet combover hair in the middle. Ha! He didn't really want to straighten out for me again this month as he still loves playing with those piggies any chance he can get!
And here is a comparison of all four of the boys at seven months, just for fun. Levi continues to take the prize for heaviest of the four, and is still 2nd for height. Ethan was 28 inches long and weighed 17 lbs 0 oz. Noah was 27 inches long and weighed 17 lbs 3 oz. And tiny little Amos was 26.75 inches long and weighed just 15 lbs 0 oz. All four boys' weight gain was minimal between 6 and 7 months. I think that is due to the fact that they all started moving a lot at that point. Levi definitely continues to have his own look, but I still think he favors Noah (and Mommy) the most. There are times that I'm starting to see Ethan in him, but I think that may be because Levi looks like he has spiky hair like Ethan did.
Accomplishments this Month:
- Scooting/army crawling all over the room...quickly!!
- Rocking on his knees
- Sitting up by himself unassisted
- Saying "dada"
- First bike ride
- First time riding in the cart like a big boy
- Sticking out his tongue
- First trip to the farmer's market
Once Levi figured out the rolling thing, he was able to see his surroundings better on his belly, and realized he wanted to see everything up close! So, after starting by slowly inching his way around, he soon figured out how to use his arm to pull his body forward to get where he wanted to go. In no time he was quickly scooting, or army crawling, his way across the room!! Dangerous! Now I can't leave him in one spot for 10 seconds and expect to find him there when I return!
Along with being on his belly more, he has started to rise up on his knees and rock on them. I know that means crawling on those knees is in the not so distant future now! His balance is improving as well, as he can now sit up by himself without falling over. He has super leg strength, so once he figures out how to pull himself up on stuff, he'll be cruising around the room in no time, too. Since he can handle the sitting aspect now, I decided to let him try riding in the cart like a big boy, instead of strapped into his carseat, to get groceries. He loved this much better view, despite the fact that he appears to be annoyed by my capturing a quick photo of this occasion. Sigh.
Josh decided he wanted to start taking family bike rides now that Ethan and Noah have mastered how to ride theirs. We started by purchasing a bike for me. I hadn't been on one in 20+ years, but it's like they say - you never forget. ;) Next, we needed to decide what we were going to do with the little two. Amos can ride a bike with training wheels and he's actually really awesome on a scooter, but both of those would make it hard for him to keep up with the rest of us being on bikes, instead of walking. So we purchased a WeeRide Co-Pilot Bike Trailer for Amos to use on the back of Daddy's bike. It easily connects to the back of his and Amos can either help out by peddling, or he can sit and enjoy the ride. He's done a great job with it so far. Finally, we needed something for the tiniest member of the family to join us as well! We decided to go with WeeRide again, and purchased a WeeRide Kangaroo Child Bike Seat for Levi to use. We weren't sure if he would be big enough yet, but he actually appears to be doing just fine sitting in the seat! He really enjoys it, too. It does make for quite the "road train" for Daddy to pull, but we know he'll do a good job. ;) The seat has a great headrest pad (where he has his arms laying in the pic) on the front that they can use to lay their head down and nap if they want to. Seems like a much easier position to sleep in, as opposed to falling asleep sitting up with their head slumping to the side. We'll see how it goes when we make it out for a long ride on a trail. So far, we've just been around the neighborhood a few times. The hills here are no joke, so Daddy should be in super shape in no time! Ha! You can check out a fun video of them testing it out on my Instagram profile. :)
We're still waiting on those bottom two teeth to poke through, but it really will be any day now. I can see them there, right under the surface and I think they've really been bugging him this past week. He has had moments of what seems like real pain and unconsolable crying. It is very unlike him, so I'm chalking it up to the teeth for now. He has figured out how to stick out his tiny little tongue and really enjoys doing it lately. It's so adorable.
Levi made his first trip to the farmer's market with us this past weekend. Though he couldn't get a taste of those yummy donuts yet, he did seem to enjoy riding around in the stroller checking everything out.
Sadly, Levi gave me no "mama" for Mother's Day this year, but he is definitely workin' the "dada" quite clearly now! You'd think at least one of the four would've uttered that "mama" first, but no such luck. As Amos would say, "Tears, tears, tears."
Another rough month in the sleep department. He's lucky he's cute! Levi is still getting up at least once, usually twice, a night. There have been a few occurrences where he has slept through until around 5 or 6 am, but they are few and far between. I feel like I'm normally up around 1 and 4 am every night. Ugh. He still goes to bed between 8 and 9 pm and sleeps until 8 or 9 am, sometimes later on the days we don't need to be anywhere. He still normally gets a bit of a cat nap in the mid-morning when he nurses, but he's also taking an afternoon nap of about 2-3 hours in his crib. Sometimes he'll still take a little cat nap before dinner, too. I've continued to nurse him every 2-3 hours during the daytime for 10-25 minutes. He eats about 6-8 times in a 24-hr period.
Until next month!!
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