Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Noah is Seven Months Old!

Another month has passed and it is time to update what Noah is up to again! First up, his stats. He weighed in this month at 17 lbs, 3 oz (25th to 50th percentile), which means just a 2-ounce gain. I think this is due to all the moving around he has been doing now! He is probably burning calories as quickly as he is consuming them! haha! He actually didn't grow any taller because he was still measuring up at 27 inches (down to 50th percentile). His head circumference was 45 cm (50th to 75th percentile).

Below is the pic of Noah at seven months, wearing the 12-month onesie. He is so happy in this pic! :) I think he is starting to thin out a little bit now too. He's getting a little more hair on that head and it is a nice shade of strawberry blond. :) His eyes are still quite blue too. He's looking more and more like his Momma's twin every day!

As I posted a couple weeks ago, Noah has been sleep trained! Yay!! He has been sleeping anywhere from 9 to 12 hours straight now every night, and the nights he is up after 9 or 10 hours, he eats and goes back to sleep for another few hours. It. is. awesome. I had forgotten just how wonderful it was to sleep all night. It has done a lot for my sanity, that is for sure! ;) He is still taking two to three naps a day too. He has shifted a bit to normally taking a longer morning/early afternoon nap of 1 to 2 hours, then a late afternoon nap of another 1 to 3 hours. If they are shorter naps, then he usually needs a short early evening nap too. Naps are a necessity because a well-rested Noah makes for a much happier Noah!! He gets that one from his Daddy. ;)

New foods tried this month:
  • Carrots
  • Apples
  • Peaches
  • Squash
  • Peas
  • Pears
  • White grape juice
He is doing really well with the food introductions. He wasn't a big fan of carrots or apples, but has done really well with all of the others. He loves peaches and squash and gobbles up seconds of those! I have kept up with making all of the food myself. It hasn't been hard at all and I am really enjoying it. For the squash, I have been using butternut and roasting it, then pureeing it. We all eat the squash, either just roasted or in soup. It is so good!! The peas are super easy. I can just throw frozen ones into the Baby Brezza and let them steam and puree. Can't get any easier than that! :) We introduced the white grape juice, diluted 50/50 with water of course, to try and help with his constipation. It does seem to be helping some, but his love of bananas for breakfast aren't helping the issue. :( Just a few more things to introduce by themselves for now, then I'll probably start mixing some of them or adding some spices to make it interesting. I will probably try to add some cereal to the fruits and veggies too, so that I can get him to eat it that way. He continues to nurse every 2-3 hours throughout the day, so I know that is where he is mainly getting his nutrition. We're doing the solid foods just twice a day at this point, but I may add in another meal at lunchtime soon too.

New accomplishments this month:
  • Pulling himself up on everything, including couches, crib, big toys, etc
  • Cruising around the room once he is standing
  • Crawling, instead of scooting, around the room
  • Taking big boy baths
  • Sitting at the table when we go out to eat
He has become quite the little mover and groover! I can't turn my back on him for a second or he is all the way across the room!! He quickly learned how to pull up on anything sturdy enough to hold his weight, including his crib. Unfortunately, when he doesn't feel like going to sleep right away, he will now stand up and walk around the crib to entertain himself. We used to keep the video monitor on the top of the rails in the corner, but he discovered it there. Bummer. He quickly learned that if he pulled the monitor down, we would come in the room to put it back up. So he kept doing it...over and over. :( It was like a scene out of the Blair Witch Project. Took you back with that one, eh? ;) You see him getting closer, then all the sudden it is in his hands and you just see part of his face taking up the entire screen, then it drops and you are staring at the floor. Awesome. So, Daddy fixed that one by propping the camera up high on the curtain rod. I think he was pretty bummed about that fix. Haha! He is sitting up so well too, that I decided to let him start taking big boy baths instead of using his infant tub. He loves playing in the water with all the toys that Ethan makes sure to get out for him. ;) Since he is getting so big in his infant car seat and doesn't care so much to be in it through dinner, we started bringing his clip-on chair (one of the best gifts we received when Ethan was born, that we hadn't even thought to register for!) with us to dinner. It's such a great gadget. It can hook on to any table and then he is able to sit right there with us at the table. Since he is still so tiny, high chairs can oftentimes leave him sitting below the table, which is never fun, so we love the chair. It folds up pretty compact and it's easy to carry too. We are fortunate that the boys are great little diners and we can still go to nice places to eat!

Here is the pic of both Ethan and Noah at 7 months. I love seeing their similarities and differences every month! It's definitely Ethan, the ornery funny man, and Noah, the sweet angel! haha!

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